Friday, January 9, 2009

Learning about email and attachments are important, because they help away from spammers. They teach you how to protect your own identity so no one can see it. You should always be careful.

You would likely send a blind copy to yourself so the people that your sending messages to can't see you private information. That way your address can be protected from strangers and spammers.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why is learning about email and attachments important? Why would you want to send a blind copy email instead of a carbon copy email to someone?

Learning about email and attachments are important, because they help away from spammers. They teach you how to protect your own identity so no one can see it.

You would likely send a blind copy to yourself so the people that your sending messages to can't see you private information. That way your address can be protected from strangers and spammers.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The most exiting activity I did this Christmas break was spending time in my cousin's house and playing Wii. We have fun playing it. At Christmas Eve, we open a few presents after eating some pizza. I got a gift card for $15, and my cousins got a lot more, but I knew I would get more tomorrow.