Friday, October 17, 2008

I think that this is unethical because it is the school's property. It is not his own private business. The school has the right to do that I think.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I will manage my time by doing the steps in the process journal in order. Also by by focusing on the work. I will also organize it so I can't be having any trouble. And I will have enough time to plan it. Then I will create it in my blog. And when I do the work, I will be able to gather information. I will be able to find out about the bus transportation, the places we're going to be sleeping, restaurants, and the universities. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This is unethical, because it's not
 right to do it. There shouldn't be
 any "war" going on with the "enemies".
 The "enemies
" shouldn't be flaming his posts.

Solution- "Enemies" should stop flaming his posts.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I think that mine would be a good example and for that I should get at least a 90, because I've done an exellent job with it {PROCESS JOURNAL}. For my newsletter I think that it was better and I should get a 100. Next time I will stay focused on my work.
Jules must've logged off the computer as soon as she was about to leave. Jules sent messages to other people with logging into Jules's.