Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I consider this type of behavior unethical. I think he would get in trouble with the teachers and principle of the school. Even though Robert didn't harm anyone, he can still change his mind and do it again. He might also encourage other students to do it. This might alarm the police to handle this type of situation, because what Robert was doing is the same thing as hacking. And this is against the law.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Teen Hacking

Teens might want to hack the phone company, the military, or NASA just for fun. They think they might not get in trouble, but when someone find out, he/she might receive serious punishments, such as, computer loss, having to pay, or community service. Some hackers believe that unless they don't harm someone, commit theft, vandalism, or breach any confidentiality, it is ethical. But for the rest of us, hacking is unethical. Hacking someone's computer can also lead you to jail, because hacking is against the law.